A group of enthusiastic students at Imperial College School of Medicine set up a General Practice Society (ICGPS) back in 2014, with the aim of developing and promoting an interest in General Practice amongst medical students of all year groups. 2 years on, we have a rapidly growing society, now with 79 members and almost 300 people subscribed to our mailing list!
Most recently, we held an event entitled ‘Specialist Careers in General Practice,’ on Tuesday 15th March 2016, where we wanted to show medical students the very varied career paths within General Practice. We had 4 very kind and interesting speakers, with incredibly diverse interests – Dr Graham Easton as a medical journalist, Dr Dana Beale with a special interest in working with the homeless, Dr Jasmin Malik who has experience with tropical/wilderness medicine and works as a part time GI endoscopist, and Dr Will Wall as a British Army GP.
If you have any suggestions for further events, or would like ICGPS to advertise relevant events to its mailing list, please contact us at gp.careers@ic.ac.uk. We will also be holding a stall at the Annual Teachers' Conference on Friday 10th June, so please do come along and meet us!
Further information about the society and what it’s been up to can be found on our social media accounts below:
Facebook – facebook.com/ImperialcollegeGPS
Twitter – @imperialgpsoc
Instagram – imperialgpsoc
Snapchat – imperialgpsoc
Committee: Nikhita Gupta, Harriet Powell, Sarah Bishop, Angelina Thapar, Bassit Malik, Katie Zhou, Grace Richardson, Rajan Bhambra, Kishan Karia & Nirali Desai