Coaching for Health Project Launch Event
The Department of Primary Care and Public Health at Imperial
College has received funding from HENWL for an educational project which involves
Year 3 medical and nursing undergraduate students jointly overseeing a caseload
of patients with chronic conditions at high risk of hospital admission in the
community. Students will be given health coaching skills which is new to the
undergraduate curriculum.
On the 12th and 13th of September 2014
the project was launched. Year 3 medical undergraduates on the MB BS course at
Imperial College and Bucks nursing students were trained in health coaching
Evaluation of the project will be looking at the value of
undergraduate interprofessional learning and whether health coaching can
promote patient enablement.
We had a very sunny day and students could practice
their coaching skills in the sun.
We did some small group work where students could meet their
GPs and discuss about good patients for coaching.
comments from students were really positive and one student quoted the
training as a 'privilege'.