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Showing posts from July, 2013

Congratulations to Dr Liz Koshy

A paper published by Dr Liz Koshy and colleagues - 'Significantly increasing hospital admissions for acute throat infections among children in England: is this related to tonsillectomy rates?' - has won the Medicines for Children category for the 2012 RCGP Research Paper of the Year Award . Study lead for this research, Dr Koshy, from the Department of Primary Care and Public Health at Imperial College London reported that " Tonsillectomy is a major and costly operation with potentially serious complications. So, it seems sensible for clinicians to maintain a high threshold for referring children with recurrent throat infections for tonsillectomy and restrict it to those children who are most severely affected by these infections ."

World Health Organisation (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Public Health Education and Training

The World Health Organisation (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Public Health Education and Training was formally designated, with British Government approval, in June 2007 and joined Imperial College and the Department of Primary Care Public Health in 2008. The work of the centre falls into four main categories: innovative training, academic exchange, capacity building and research. Over the past five years their work in these fields has supported WHO Geneva and Regional Offices in promoting health, enhancing primary health care, strengthening human resource capacity, addressing the escalating worldwide problem of non-communicable disease, and helping countries strengthen and manage their national health systems. Working with governments from around the world, the centre’s focus is to develop and strengthen primary care and public health capacity through training opportunities. Under the leadership of Professor Salman Rawaf, he and team members deliver courses and training aimed at...

Treating Tobacco Dependence in Primary Care

A recent publication by WHO Geneva provides guidance on managing tobacco dependence in primary care . The first draft of the training package (4 parts) was produced by Lisa McNally, Elizabeth Dubois and Salman Rawaf from Department of Primary Care and Public Health at Imperial College London with further inputs to the final draft following piloting in 12 countries of the 6 regions of the WHO. 

Athena SWAN Opportunities Committee

The School of Public Health and the Department of Primary Care and Public Health are making good progress on its application to renew its Silver Athena SWAN Award, given in recognition of commitment to excellent working practices and advancing science careers in women. The Opportunities Committee thanks all those who took part in the School wide Staff and Student Consultation workshops aimed at creating a positive working environment within the School of Public Health. The results are available in a report which is available on the School website and contains the views and suggestions for improvements from 75 people across all units in the School.