Medics in glasses, hats and coats
There is rain and sun and snow to bear
So we put on different hats to wear.
There is cold and ice all around
So our coats keep us safe from that surround.
The letters we achieve written after our name Legitimises
our right to play a role in a game.
We strive towards achieving a form of identity, But
fundamentally we are all just an entity.
The value of freedom is one we endorse
But we strip it away with the layers we enforce.
Freedom to practice requires freedom to feel.
Without being able to feel how can we heal?
There is suffering we see and sadness we hear, So we
close our eyes and close our ears.
We hang our weapons round our neck in order to try To
shield ourselves from anyone getting close by.
The breath and heart sounds we hear and decipher so well,
Are disconnected from people with stories to tell.
The table we sit behind serves as a moat And closing the
door removes the lumps in our throat.
When we hear and see the cruel pain of life We ourselves
feel a pierce of a knife.
If we leave these wounds to close alone
Then poor healing is what we will condone.
With too many of these scars to bear
There is desensitisation to what is right, wrong or fair.
We were told to do this to be able to heal A trusted
inlet with no outlet's part of the deal.
We wear glasses with a lens that thickens day by day.
As time goes by we can only see things one way.
We feel accomplished and know what is right, As it's
easier to see things with narrow sight.
But if we stop questioning how we know what we know How
will we know if we know is not so?
If we take off our hats we could know so much more, And
feel freedom by simply opening the door.
Moving the table can embrace feelings and trust To truly
heal not just others but us.
If we feel the cold and the heat on our heads We will
know to go in or stay outside instead.
If we see the darkness and feel the rain, We will soon
dry off and feel refreshed again.
If we feel the snow with it's bitter chill We'll move
forward with stronger will.
If we see the light and feel the sun,
In times of darkness we'll retain the fun.
What if we take off our glasses, hat and coat?
What would be if we removed some layers and filled the
If we open our eyes and try to see afar.
We'd lower our guard and expose who we really are.
If we stop being weighed down by the barriers we build,
Our true sense of vocation may once more be fulfilled!