The WHO Collaborating Centre for Public Health Education & Training recently hosted three delegates from Iraq for an Advanced Academic Training Course – (Professor Nada Al-Alwan-Pathology, Professor Nadim Noaman-Community Medicine, and Assistant Professor Basim Alhilali-Family Medicine). Their intensive programme, scheduled over a four week period, aimed to strengthen the delegates’ skills and allow them to gain experience in current and innovative teaching methodologies. The interactive nature of the course (e.g. teaching and research, teaching Health Needs Assessment (Undergraduate & Postgraduate), conduct a mock PhD Exam with PhD candidates from Imperial College at different stages of their research studies) means that participants will be able to deliver modern person-centred teaching and understand the techniques to conduct high level research. Partners for delivering this initiative include the Ministry of Higher Education in Iraq (MoHE), Imperial College Healthcare...
Updates from the Department of Primary Care and Public Health at Imperial College