Dr Graham Easton On Wednesday 12 October I held an interview with our own Dr Gra ham Easton, Program Director of our GP training scheme and author of the recently published fictional GP surgery book "The Appointment". Yo u can listen to the full audio of the appointment on our new Soundcloud page here Ben Broglia: What do you find rewarding about teaching Imperial students? Graham Easton: One of the great things is teaching people who are enthusiastic, keen, bright and passionate, which helps me refocus on why I went into medicine. It’s easy to get bogged down in the details of surgery, and teaching gives me the opportunity to step back. It gives me a chance to reflect on what we do and refresh my clinical skills, such as the neurological exam which I hated as a student! The final thing for me is the thrill of inspiring students, and the challenge of explaining a topic. BB: You recently had published a new book “The Appointment”, the story of a fictional morn...